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You work hard to keep your business moving forward. Unfortunately, without the proper protection in place, one claim of wrong doing can bring your business to a screeching halt. COVER ADVANTAGE OFFERS .. **  Professional Liability insurance (also known as Errors and Omissions or E&O insurance)  policy that protects you against claims brought about by third parties for property damage, bodily injury or death that they suffer as a result of your actions. These situations could officer on public property, at a client’s site or on your own premises. **    Commercial General Liability (CGL) policy that protects you against claims brought about by third parties for property damage, bodily injury or death that they suffer as a result of your actions. These situations could officer on public property, at a client’s site or on your own premises. For More Informative Ideas About The Topics.. you may Visit .. COVER ADVANTAGE --
As a professional in the legal field, you know better than anyone how a small miscalculation or miscommunication on the part of a contractor can lead to lengthy and often extremely costly legal conflicts. Unfortunately, practicing law does not make you immune to the same types of claims, meaning Ontario legal professionals need professional liability insurance (also known as Errors and Omissions insurance) to protect their property and their practice. Whether you run a small firm, lead a major law practice, consult independently or work within a firm interacting directly with clients, a single claim of negligence — even one that is completely untrue — can damage your reputation and cost you thousands of dollars. Errors and Omissions coverage can be an essential asset in just such an event, ensuring that one disgruntled client won’t bring down your business. For More Informative Ideas About The Topic, You May Visit -- COVER ADVANTAGE --